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Biographies of the Stars

Martin Nodell

Martin Nodell was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on November 15, 1915. Hestudied at the Chicago Academy of Art, Chicago Art Institue and then the Pratt Institute after he moved to New York City.

Martin got his first job in comics in 1938 doing freelance work for severalpublishers before landing at DC comics where he created the Green Lantern in1940 with writer Bill Finger, who also co-created Batman with Bob Kane.

Nodell would do Green Lantern in various DC titles for the next seven yearsuntil leaving DC in 1947 to work for Timely Comics (Marvel' logo in theforties). At Timely he drew Captain America, the Human Torch and theSubmariner among others until 1950 when he left the comics business for good.

He went into advertising illustration in the early fifties and had a verysuccesful career until his retirement in 1976.

In 1987 Martin did a few pages of art for DC and was rediscovered by fans. Hehas been a frequent guest at comic book conventions across the country and isa particularly friendly indivual, which has made a very popular artist eventhough he had a relatively short career in the comics. But his most famous creation, the Green Lantern has made him an icon of the comics' golden age.

He currently resides with his wife Carrie in West Palm Beach, Florida.

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* Ron Pussell, Incline Village, Nevada. It is in no way connected with the COMIC ART & GRAFFIX GALLERY, Virtual Museum and Encyclopedia, or Richard Halegua.

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